“No, really. This is the first good thing that’s happened to me in years.” Said Ganesh.
“Are you serious? You are like.. me. You are just another me!” Sameer continued, “So, let me see, you suck at your work, as do I. You have fights with your wife (Mridula – isn’t that the name?) everyday, as do I. You get pushed around in buses and ignored at malls, get snubbed by waiters in restaurants, always get caught when jumping lights and generally suffer all the time. As do I! It sucks to be a loser, but it’s comforting to know there’s someone like you.”
“Yeah. And to be honest, I have never got a compliment for how I’m dressed. Today’s a first. In fact..err.. the @$$ of a boss I have never tires of pointing out how clumsily dressed I am. I don’t get it.. I spend so much time picking my shirts, and he likes this one! Not just him, I get some ten compliments in a day for the shirt! It doesn’t even fit properly. It’s your shirt for god’s sake. I picked the wrong one in the morning.. it is so similar to mine..”
“Sorry about that, I picked yours first, by mistake. But it seems to have worked for both.. God knows how many compliments I got today – a first for me too! Good thing they made us share rooms at this stupid seminar. “
“You bet. First serendipitous event in my life, I would say.”
“My friend, you’d probably flip at what I’m going to say now, but I have to at least share the idea with you..”
“An idea? Try me.”
One year later
“It’s been a year, Sameer. You think we should continue with this?”
“Are you kidding me? I’m a superstar. My boss loves me. Sorry, your boss loves me. So do your neighbours! And since the time you’ve started to shop for my clothes, I get compliments for looks almost everyday, waiters and conductors call me ‘sir’, and traffic policeman smile as I jump lights..it’s bizarre.”
“I know! It wasn’t half as tough as we thought it would be, no? I was surprised to see our bosses accept the swap so easily. Guess they were just eager to get rid of us. The other us, I mean.”
“Hey, but you’ll have to give me a bigger list of South Indian dishes. I love the food and I’m much healthier now, but I want more.”
“Thank God for that seminar.. I guess.. we were just born in each other's place.”
“Hmm.. now only if Mridula and Swati would relent…”
“Are you serious? You are like.. me. You are just another me!” Sameer continued, “So, let me see, you suck at your work, as do I. You have fights with your wife (Mridula – isn’t that the name?) everyday, as do I. You get pushed around in buses and ignored at malls, get snubbed by waiters in restaurants, always get caught when jumping lights and generally suffer all the time. As do I! It sucks to be a loser, but it’s comforting to know there’s someone like you.”
“Yeah. And to be honest, I have never got a compliment for how I’m dressed. Today’s a first. In fact..err.. the @$$ of a boss I have never tires of pointing out how clumsily dressed I am. I don’t get it.. I spend so much time picking my shirts, and he likes this one! Not just him, I get some ten compliments in a day for the shirt! It doesn’t even fit properly. It’s your shirt for god’s sake. I picked the wrong one in the morning.. it is so similar to mine..”
“Sorry about that, I picked yours first, by mistake. But it seems to have worked for both.. God knows how many compliments I got today – a first for me too! Good thing they made us share rooms at this stupid seminar. “
“You bet. First serendipitous event in my life, I would say.”
“My friend, you’d probably flip at what I’m going to say now, but I have to at least share the idea with you..”
“An idea? Try me.”
One year later
“It’s been a year, Sameer. You think we should continue with this?”
“Are you kidding me? I’m a superstar. My boss loves me. Sorry, your boss loves me. So do your neighbours! And since the time you’ve started to shop for my clothes, I get compliments for looks almost everyday, waiters and conductors call me ‘sir’, and traffic policeman smile as I jump lights..it’s bizarre.”
“I know! It wasn’t half as tough as we thought it would be, no? I was surprised to see our bosses accept the swap so easily. Guess they were just eager to get rid of us. The other us, I mean.”
“Hey, but you’ll have to give me a bigger list of South Indian dishes. I love the food and I’m much healthier now, but I want more.”
“Thank God for that seminar.. I guess.. we were just born in each other's place.”
“Hmm.. now only if Mridula and Swati would relent…”